Ikariam: Ikariam - Telemachos 1.5M, top10.

Account's stats are:

Title:Champion of Achilles
Master builder:1,430,510
Gold supply:91,778,032

9 cities: 6 on Temple of Poseidon & 3 on Hephaestus’ Forge miracles. All on marble islands.

Inventory (packages and tools)

Account has 32 ambrosia and 24 premium trader items.

City view:
1. https://prnt.sc/M2urEZXnyGdL
2. https://prnt.sc/caYLYRHGI-RE
3. https://prnt.sc/Nj0oexVrJITi
4. https://prnt.sc/hZwL_k5YtmEH
5. https://prnt.sc/dXP8PfhLk9Ju
6. https://prnt.sc/HEwyFKMgnx7H
7. https://prnt.sc/146Kg043tTd7
8. https://prnt.sc/xmEf-GvYL8Ts
9. https://prnt.sc/AdBs7eS8SP34

For quick communication you can find me in discord: #wraith9997

Price: 20 euro. (2 ambrosia packages x 150 in other server)
Price: 20 EUR
Seller: Wrath
Contact seller

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